вторник, 10 декабря 2019 г.


UC_Frida_outfit_art pic
Exclusive for @ colabor88
'Tis the season for United Colors Lingerie, ladies!
Frida is the newest release for the holidays.
This delicate combination of flowers, petals, twigs, leaves, pearls metals soft leather belts are extraordinary!
Pick up the Fatpack to really customize your look!
The top and bottom come in a perfect range of 8 colors to accentuate your Legacy* and Maitreya bodies this season!

Zibska Calandra Gacha Hat & Brows Reivew Copies
Available are 3 commons in 5 colour combos and 1 colour change rare.
Zibska ~ Waimea Eyemakeu
Includes 12 colours with Lelutka, LAQ, Genus, Catwa and Omega appliers and Universal Tattoo/BOM Layers
(03 - 26 Dec)
MP Zibska
LM Zibska

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