среда, 23 октября 2019 г.


Bee Designs Crazy Skeletons Gacha
Bee Designs Rustic Bar Gacha 

│T│L│C│ Halloween fence 'Psycho'*
Wooden fence with pumpkins and a wooden sign (including nail), advertising 'Bates Motel' (...) "Each room with a shower'. All objects can be unlinked and used independently. 3 prims LI, copy modify.

│T│L│C│ Moonlight Cat*
The special feature of this cat is that it is made for daytime and nighttime use, which can be switched via a simple menu (on touch). The nighttime function features 'glowing eyes' effect. The cat comes including bench with a 3 prim LI for the linked item.
L P│T│L│C│

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