суббота, 27 июля 2019 г.



Sport Car with decors and anims. S40

Sport Car (for decoration) with suitcases, blankets, flowers, stone

 pathway and anims.

Land impact: 15

Approximate sizes: meters 6.4 wide x 3.8 deep.

The car sees it red, but the base color is clear, and you can change the 

color to your liking.

**Decors: ~Cat & Kitten S40 Land impact: 1**

Permission: COPY | MODIFY

Material enable - You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish

-PG Version: 264 animations 30 sec loop x each: 89 PG couple poses - 7 PG

 Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit (F/M 86 poses)

-ADULT Version: 424 animations 30 sec loop x each: 89 PG + 80 ADULT couple 

poses - 7 PG + 6 ADULT Scene Sequence for couple - Solo F or M: 2 single sit 

(F/M 86 poses)

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