[Rezz Room] Baby Bear Gacha Set Animesh
.:Tm:.Creation "Give Me Hugs"
Wood Bench with anims. Sf12
(Open 17th February, 12pm SLT to 10th March 2020)
Wood bench with pillows, cloth, and animations for 2 persons
(PG or Adult version)
Land Impact 7 - 100% Mesh
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento animations included.
*PG version 2 persons sit with 286 anims: 91 PG couple poses - 8 PG Scene - 104 Solo Single F/M anims.
*ADULT version 2 persons sit with 378 anims: 91 PG + 46 ADULT couple poses - 8 PG + 5 ADULT Scene - 104 Solo Single F/M anims.
You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish
.:Tm:.Creation "Spring Cover"
Mix of Flowers Bushes on Rocks GP24
(Open February 20th 1pm SLT to 10th March, 2020)
Mix of Flowers Bushes on Rocks
Land Impact: 6
Approximate sizes meters: width 3.3 x depth 2.5
Material enable
100% Mesh
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish