суббота, 31 августа 2019 г.


Scandalize. Flarya. FATPACK 
Scandalize.Flarya.Top. MAITREYA
Scandalize.Flarya.Shorts. MAITREYA
Scandalize.Flarya.Sleeves. MAITREYA
Option colors:
22 solid, 22 Lace, 22 strips and 20 colors extra only fatpack.
Multiple combinations
100% original mesh.

четверг, 29 августа 2019 г.


(Aug 26th - Sep7th) 
Top, Slip & Leggings fitted for Maitreya 
- HUD 16 textures + 8 metal textures



.:Tm:.Creation "The Anchor" Tropical Scene TS1
Beach tropical scene with rocks, anchor, flowers, stump, exotic plant, cormorant, toucanLand Impact 18
 Approximate sizes meters: 7,4 wide x 4,4 deep.
Decors: Ground Leaves: Land Impact 0,5

100% Mesh 


.:Tm:.Creation "The Spring" Rocks & Flowers Garden Arrangement GM29

Garden Arrangement with Rocks with flowers, plant, bushes, ferns
Land Impact: 16 
- Approximate sizes: meters 5.5 wide x 4 deep
Permission: COPY | MODIFY

100% Mesh 

│T│L│C│pheasant@Pheasant, couple
These animated pheasants are 1 prim LI each, come with copy 
permissions generally as well as modify permissions, so you 
can re-size and edit.
We included two feather variants of the female pheasant into 
your pack (a brownish and a lighter shade)
L P│T│L│C│


.:Tm:.Creation "The Heart" Sofa Bench with anims. S31
~ Sofa bench with wood heart, blanket, pillows, rocks, flowers, 
Land Impact: 11
No Poseball - No static poses - 

Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - 
Bento animations included.

*Decor: ~Ground Cover Flowers Land Impact: 1

Permission COPY/MOD

-PG Version: 254 animations 30 sec loop x each: 79 PG couple 
poses - 6 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit (F/M
 96 poses)

-ADULT Version: 330 animations 30 sec loop x each: 89 PG + 
38 ADULT couple poses - 6 PG + 4 ADULT Scene Sequence for
 couple - Solo F or M: 2 single sit (F/M 96 poses)

Material enabled - You can unlink all pieces and use them as 
you wish

100% Mesh 

│T│L│C│Swan family@ Swan family

Swan family, including nesting version, a 100% mesh item 
with a 4 prim land impact per adult swan and 1 LI per cygnet.
As a bonus, we included a nesting version (nest:1 prim) and 
version with cygnets riding on the adult's back.The swans are 
animated (head animation and swimming animation).

L P│T│L│C│

среда, 28 августа 2019 г.


adorsy - Bridgette Shorts Fatpack - Maitreya
adorsy - Bridgette Top Fatpack - Maitreya
MP adorsy
LM adorsy

POSE: .::Crystal ::. Naughty Loli // Rainbow [4]

TLC Wearable Animesh Companion dog 

 Part of the TLC BuddyWear Animesh Companion Dogs product line
 Includes 6 texture options + script for pet name
Each breed available as Animesh companion dogs and includes 4 texture options + 9 collar colours + personalised name feature
Permissions: Modify/Copy

L P│T│L│C│


 Boho Wagon: Bee Designs Boho Wagon gacha
Exclusive for @ Cosmo Event Land

Black bears: TLC Black bears*

Adult black bear (5LI each), and bear cub (3LI each)
100% mesh. 
The set comes with copy permissions generally as well as modify 
permissions, so you can re-size and edit. 

L P│T│L│C│

вторник, 27 августа 2019 г.

понедельник, 26 августа 2019 г.



This animated scenery features animated wolves and bats and comes in a Summer and Winter version, so you can use year-round. It is a 100% mesh item and comes including rock base and bat trees, with a 33 prim LI for the full set.

The wolves come in 3 variants (standing, sitting, laying), are animated, with a 2-3 prim LI, and come in 3 fur options (can be changed on touch).They feature a cold breath vapor effect which can be turned on/off on touch. One of the wolves is howling, the sound can be turned on/ off on touch (volume control).

The bats come in 2 wing versions (open and folded), are animated, with a 1-2 prim LI

│T│L│C│@ Snake
The TLC mangrove snake comes in 2 versions: 
- linked to tree (included), 5 LI 
- laying on ground, 1 LI

Furthermore they come with copy permissions generally 

as well as modify permissions so you can re-size.

L P│T│L│C│


Bee Designs Lust Bedroom gacha gacha
Exclusive for @ The Fetish fair


.:Tm:.Creation "At the Beach" Tropical Scene with anims. S35
Tropical scene on pile of sand with rocks, small waterfall (water with movement), pillows, plants, shrubs, flowers, shells

Land impact: 18 

Approximate sizes: meters 7.4 wide x 6.8 deep.


No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento Animations included

-PG Version: 264 animations 30 sec loop x each: 89 PG couple poses - 7 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit (F/M 86 poses)

-ADULT Version: 424 animations 30 sec loop x each: 89 PG + 80 ADULT couple poses - 7 PG + 6 ADULT Scene Sequence for couple - Solo F or M: 2 single sit (F/M 86 poses)

**Physics and Material enable - You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish**

100% Mesh 

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